Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Help... anyone?...anyone.

Everyone always told her she looked 12. She did not really mind that much. She knew she was not. She did not think like a 12 year old or act like a 12 year old. but she did look like one. Now she cared. She looked 10. There was nothing she could do about it. And it made her sad. What was she supposed to do? just go along, pretending that everything was ok? Well everything was not ok. She wanted to be noticed. She did not want to be glanced over and then forgotten. Why would no one notice her?
She sat at her computer in the airport. People ignored her. Even the old lady who talked to her ignored her. No one wanted to talk to a 10 year old. What could she possibly have to say that was interesting?
Their eyes slid over her seat. Not bothering to look at the roll, noticing that she was on there. They just ignored her. Not even bothering to check.
She walked with her head down, her arms folded across her chest. Trying to not look as sad as she felt. Each and every person's eyes moved right past her. None of them noticing the little girl who looked so out of place.
She dropped a book on her toe. That did it. The tears cascaded down her face as she reached to pick it up. No one was there to help. No one. Everyone was passing. She was just a little girl who did not belong there. Why would they help her?

He picked the book up. But the girl did not notice. She was on the ground with her face in her hands, crying. She touched her arm and she looked up, startled.
He grabbed a hold of her arm helping her up and handing her her book.
Now that he really looked at her she was not as little as he thought. Her face looked like a child, and her braces made her look even younger. But her eyes. her eyes were far older than that of a child. Even than those of an adult. She seemed to be very wise, just trapped behind her face, that no one could seem to look past.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Easy won't be part of the equation

I can SEE!!!!
I got my new phone so I can actually see the screen without having to use a flashlight! trust me, it looked funny to watch me read what was on my phone with the flashlight.
I love writing stories. They are so amazing! I don't know what I would do if I could not write stories!
My roommates are amazing, I don't know what else to say on that count.
I have been doing a lot of things with Mike lately. I really like spending time with him. Last night we went to a Logan Winds concert. It was amazing! I love listening to instruments play, especially when they are really good.
Kagami and Yuuto are amazing...
this is my favorite picture that I have found of them. It is not originally them, but it looks like them so it works.

"HEHE! I'll go get my ball!" - Rhino
"ring ring. Who is it? Destiny? I've been expecting your call!" - Rhino.
Can I just say that bolt is AMAZING!

Monday, November 2, 2009

wonderful start to the week

And so the beginning of another week...
Last night I woke up a bunch of times, and could not fall back asleep!
9:30 my roommates decided to sing outside of my door.
10 I get back to sleep.
12:30 Soren text me.
1 I get back to sleep.
3:30 my alarm goes off for me to get up for work. Then I wonder why on earth I have it set and what I could possibly be getting up this early for. So I sit up and turn the alarm off then realize that today is monday and I need to go to work in a half hour. So I jump off of my bed and OUCH my ankle hurts.
And So I ignore it and keep walking on but work pretty slow because of it.
I think I may go to the doctor to have him look at it today. maybe not.
But I will get an ace bandage.
Then my phone decided to not work, even though it has been doing that ALL weekend. So Darby is taking me to the verizon store so I can get it fixed or just get a more durable phone... Which ever is cheeper.