Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The time To Act Will Be At Hand

My cousin... is pretty amazing.
11 years old and knows how to make some amazing peaches and cream... and has a very good taste for good movies (namely princess and the frog.)
there is a HUGE fire on the road going from where I live. my friend can't get in from salt lake and my dad can't get out from here... he will probably be late for work.
California on thursday. I am pretty excited, but I really want to go to the beach and I don't know if I will have time!!!!!
I have only been procastinating my paper all day long... I started to work on it earlier and then... yes I admit it... I got distracted by farm town. then the next time I tried.. Castle... then Stargate Atlantis... and this time... impending doom... jk. just a fire.
Anyway.. nothing profound today.
Nothing really to talk about either.
It would be cool to talk in verse all the time
"and the planets will a line ever so nicely!"
"aye, Verse"
-Hercules.. actually Hades and the Fates but you get it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

YAY for Friends!

How is it that one day you can be so unhappy then the next day you speak to one person and everything is better?
I made two new friends this week.
and last week...
Cherstan and Seiaeo ( the eo is silent)
I am so happy!
Seia and I had breakfast the other day, she made bacon, eggs, bagles and orange juice. It was so yummy. I felt so happy that I could just eat as much bacon as I wanted. very satisfying.
Cherstan is in two of my classes and I get to see her at institute on tuesdays. She also has a very cute brother....
I love making new friends!