Tuesday, December 30, 2008

they are coming to take me away! haha! they are coming to take me away! ho ho!

I am really hyper for no apparent reason!
I mean com on.. I am going to the DENTIST in 20 minutes! Who should be happy about that.... oh! Maybe I will get to watch the fairly odd parents! YES~!
So I love the way my blog looks now! It makes me happy. I took that picture while in the car waiting for my dad to come out of the movie store! hehe.
this is one of my favorite songs ever....

late last night when we were all in bed.
Mrs. Old Leary took a lantern to the shed
and when the cow kicked it over
she winked her eye and said
"There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight...
Night Last late when bed we all were in,
Leary old lady took a shed the lantern in
and when the kick cowed it over
she eyed her wink and said
"there'll be a time hot in the town old tonight!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Every Story is a Love Story

Every Story tale or memoir
every saga or romance
whether true or fabricated
whether planned or happenstance
whether sweeping through the ages
casting century's aside or a
hurried brief recital just a 30 minutes ride
whether bright or melancholy
rough and ready finely spun
whether with a thousand players
or a only cast of one
every story new or ancient
bagatelle or work of art
all are tales of human failing
all are tales of love at heart!

This is the link to my storys! I am really excited....
Though I can't think of any storys for Trea and Ranna... I need to talk to Soren.
and... I think I have a new crush! :D it has been a while...
so does Kane! haha... " A Whole New World!"
Well... yes....

This is an Idea I had last night... tell me if it is good.

She tossed and turned restlessly in her bed. For three hours she had tried to sleep, but no matter what she did, sleep eluded her.
Outside Princess Amelia's door Treasean paced, scanning the hallway for unwanted visitors. It was his job to see that the princess slept soundly each night. And she did... every night. He sometimes wondered why he was there in the first place. At night the guard was tripled all around the palace, no one got in or out. So what was the point in Treasean guarding the door! Other than the fact that no one could even get in here, everyone liked the Princess, no one would even want to hurt her.
Amelia sat up in bed. If she was not going to get any sleep she may aas well do somthing else to fill her time with. Deciding on a walk, she put on her slippers and bathrobe, then proceded to the door.
What do you think?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

... huh?

what are you talking about Kane! .... I did not say sam.... maybe I said

Sammy Jo!

I am llistening to you belong with me by taylor swift. This is a good song!

next I am going to listen to Take a Bow by Rihanna.

oh oh oh and Kane Guess What!

I got you a Present! well... actually it is not done yet but it will be soon...

and I know what I am getting my mom... but it is not quite done yet either... it has more work than yours needs.... oh well.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Ok this is kind of weird
So every day in my Personal Finance class I get on the compy and then check my blog right?
Well today I go to check it and guess what! the stupid school compys say it is BLOCKED!!!!!!!
I hate it! I hate it I hate it I hate it!...

Ok maybe not that much.
But still I don't like it when I try get on something and it wont let me! I wonder if it will let me get on if I get on from my profile.
It only just barley let me onto my profile.

I was talking to Ruel in my sewing class and.. weird I know... but I actually enjoyed it!
He was telling me about his life and how his dad really does not like him.... I wish I could do something to help but I don't know what to do. I think I will get him a present.
speaking of presents...

what do I get Kane!?
Or my mom?
And what should I get Ruel?

I love giving presents but I never know what to give people!
especially Kane....
I want to get him something really good but I can't think of anything.

I want school to be OUT! right now!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

wow..... overreaction!

So... I forgot that we had a project due today in Personal Finance.... and I was gone all weekend and had no time to work on it.. ok I lied... I did have time but I did not do it.

anyway that is not the point. the point is that I went up to talk to Mr. Rathke and he was like.. "well I guess there is nothing we can do about it." Then told me I could do it next time.... but he was kind of mad about it....Then Chase went up and told him that he left his power point at home... I think that should have been fine, I mean Chase actually did it, it is just at his house... anyway then Mr. Rathke got mad for some reason and told us that anyone who was supposed to do it today and did not only got half credit when they did do it and then he changed his mind and said that everyone could do it next time.

I think he over reacted a bit... oh well.... :D I am done with it now... which is good!

so now I am bored just sitting here being done with a project that is was not even hard.... goodness..... and so now I have nothing to do... But I really like randomly changing colors! Colors make life intense and exciting! California was amazing! oh yeah Soren I went to California for XC nationals... and I totally did not even run!!! YAY! I love not running I kind of want to dance right now.. you know what is funny? I Love dancing right? well I got Kane to be my partner and then I decided Dancing is all good and great but it is not the best thing in the world and now Kane loves dancing just like I did... how funny is that!

Chase and I agree that Mr. Rathke is ... a Jerk... there are better words but we won't say them .... :D

"Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker?"

And Now I am going to do something else... like reading my book! :D

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

like I said... I HATE COMPYS!

Computers and their programs are SO confusing!
I just figured something out!
sop I added firefox to my compy so I could use it too and now it corrects my spelling for me!
YAY! so no more typos for laura... jk

Typos are what make life fun!
I LVOE TPYOS! tehy aer so mcuh fun! Dno't you argee?



Oh.. and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Magic School Bus!
oh man.. anything else I love.... EVERYTHING!!!!

Have you ever read that book!!!! oh man ... I am only half way through but it is AMAZING!
READ IT. it is so inspirational.... I love it....


Try a little harder to be a little better - president Hinkley.

And by the way... have I mentioned. that

I HATE COMPUTERS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (red... angery color!)

yes so that is what I think... I think personally that life would be much better without computers... not that I am going to stop using the computer but still....

JENNA! I am sorry... like I said.. I hate compys.. I can't get it to scan.. my scanner SUCKS!!!! if you still love me after this I will forgive you for changing your font (which I still have not done yet.. :D

well... I guess I am really going to go and pack this time....
oh and I decided the other day That I really like using a lp top.. before yesterday I really didn't but I used Mrs. Stuarts and I really like it... I want one... that would be exciting... k



Monday, December 1, 2008

Remember when I thought about sticking my finger up my nose just for somthing to do??? well I feel like that again!!!!!!

Two weeks of solid School.....
I don't think I can survive that....
I have not had to go to school for a solid week.. in a LONG TIME!
I can't wait until next semester.... NO FIRST PERIOD! YAY!
I want to go to Hawaii....
What should I do for my 18th birthday????
I think I could dance.. that would be really fun. almost like I did with my last birthday only without the dates.... we just ask everyone to dance. and then maybe we could go see a movie or a play afterward.... that could be fun.
Any Idea's? I really want to sleep.
James and I got up at 5:30 and ran until 6. It was pretty nice except I forgot to take my inhaler first and now I am FLIPPIN' TIRED! I even got 8 hours of sleep! well I think I did.. it took me forever to fall asleep yesterday.
there is still 20 minutes left of class!
Hehe so I got up way early this morning and I took a shower and did my hair and then I got to school and realized that I forgot my paints and my lunch... wow!

CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!! TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like using different colors!
I hope you can see this on here... if not.. I will have to change it!!!! Just know that it was baby blue first.
Maybe tomorrow I will go and ... no the next day when I really don't' want to be in sewing I will go to the counseling office and see if I can talk to Mrs. Lenoneli.
So Now what shall I do? I don't Know... maybe get on face book... cause I FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET ON AT SCHOOL>!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hugh Jackman... Tear Jerker?!?!?!?

wowzo..... AMAZING MOVIE!

I cried for the last 30 minutes!

Who would have thought Hugh Jackman would be in a tear jerker!

Go see it!


oh my goodness...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Beautiful Disaster

Everything I do, meets opposition.
nothing I do is easy.
Every choice I make, has a consequence.
Nothing is easy.
Every choice has a weigh.
It's as easy as life.
all I have to do... Is forget....
all I have to do is pretend I can do this.

Nothing is easy. Nothing.
there are things I enjoy... but they are still not easy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


"National Sarcasm Society... like we need your support."
"I was Promised there would be no math involved."
"Lead me not into temptation... especially bookstores."
"I always imagine that Paradise will be a kind of library."
"She is too fond of books, and it has addled her brain."
"Life is short... Read fast!"
"Don't make me use my Librarian voice."

"Indulge your imagination in every possible flight."
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."
"Grow old along with me the be st has yet to be." - Browning
"The measure of love, Is to love without measure."
"Each up of tea represents an imaginary voyage." - Catherine Douzel
"Enjoy the little things in live for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things."
"Sing as though no one can hear you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Live as though heaven is on earth. Dance as though no one is watching."
"Not all who wander are lost."
"With mirth and laughter let old winkles come." - Shakespeare
"I'm so far behind, i thought I was first."
"Always kiss me goodnight."
"At what age am I old enough to know better?"
"act old later."
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
"to thine own self be true."
"Careful, or you'll end up in my novel."

"I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world."
"Bidden or not bidden, god is present."
"Loved you once. Love you still. Always Have. Always Will."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

God's Wonderful Creation by: Elsie Palmer

God made the world so wonderful
With mountain peaks to hike,
And hills and vales and rocky trails
Where I can ride my bike.

God made the world so wonderful --
The beach, the raging sea,
The quiet stream where I can dream
Of things I want to be.

God made the world so wonderful --
Made trees with grass below,
And corn and wheat that I can eat
To help my body grow.

God made the world so wonderful --
Made birds with feathered wings.
He gave me dogs and leaping frogs
And creeping, crawling things.

God made the world so wonderful
Then at the end, you see,
Before He'd rest He made the best,
For that's when God made ME!

things on my to do list:

1. Watch TWILIGHT!
2. Read the Dark Angel trilogy
3. get through the Mallorean series
4. Live till I die
5. Everything else I forgot...
Dang... I am not very good at this game....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

bored and sick

I am so bored. I don't know what to write!
I got a cold on ... wednesday.
and it seemed like it was getting better but then.... it came back.

James started a blog.... there is nothing on it really so it is not to much....
but it makes me happy.
Oh well.. anything I should talk about?!
I FINISHED the Belgarion Series!... again. I love them!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well.... I don't know which one.

so far dixie is seeming MUCh better.

It feels better for me, the chost are cheeper by about $50. I know I know.. That is not that much but still. it makes a difference int he end... I need to apply for scholarships and I need to ... ga.. . this is so stressed!!!!!!!!!!! hehe so stressed.... STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once Upon a time,

there was a beautiful palace. in that palace lived a girl.

Now don't jump to conclussions. she was not the princess of the palace. But everyone loved her. Including Lance

Now who is this lance???? Lance is an Amazingly wonderful man... whom I have not yet met.... dang it all!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


:D I love these books!
I love this author... Shannon Hale... oh she is a good one.
Read these books! also by her : Book of a thousand days, the princess academy
.:D and brandon sanderson books
AH!!!!!! Oh this is good!

Friday, October 24, 2008


It is easy to be brave from a safe distance - Aesop
I find it so easy to talk in front of people, when faced with opposition.
Yet when it comes to my friends, it is hard to tell them some things.
Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces surrounding you and coming to your aid. - Basil King
How do I tell the people I love most about things that will hurt them?
How can I hurt them in that way?
Fortune Favors the Brave - Aida
I guess I either need to get it over with and tell them, or just get over it. Either way I need to get over it.
Anyway onto a more exciting topic.

If you love somebody, let them go. If they return they were always yours. If they don't, they never were. - Anon.
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up. -James Baldwin
The Best proof of love is trust. - Joyce Brothers
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. - Paulo Coelho
Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and enkindles the great! - Comte DeBussy-Rabutin
Love builds bridges where there are none. - R.H. Delaney
The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain: to show them we love them not when we feel like it, but when they do. - Nan Fairbrother
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says: ' I need you because I love you.' - Erich Fromm
Love doesn't just sit there like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. - Ursula K. LeGuin
Ama me fideliter! Fidem meam noto: De corde totaliter Et ex mente tota, Sum persentialiter Absens in emota.
Latin: Love me faithfully! See how I am faithful: With all my heart and all my soul I am with you though I am far away. - Carl Orff

Thursday, October 23, 2008


How can I feel so horrible?!?!
I think I am getting sick and all I want to do is sleep and read. I don't want to do ANYTHING!
Maybe I am just have a bout of senioritis. That is most likely it. Ontop of that is the cold I have.
Well I actually don't have a cold yet but It is getting there.
Everytime m y throat itches I know that I am going to get a cold. it sucks.
I am excited for our music group. I am very excited. but this is going to be alot of work... ALOT!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well Gambit is my favorite x-men. but Cyclops is my favorite.... I dont' know. I love him only Gambit is better.
like Scott and Jean are an AMAZING couple but Jacob and Renesmee kick butt!
Kinda like Gamibt and Rogue are AMAZING but are TOTALLY beat out by Aida and Rademes!!!!!
Speaking of Aida....

I SAW IT!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness! That is my favorite musical of all time! and I saw it!!!!
I am going to see it again soon! Morgan went with me and she wants to come again. so i think I may see it with Emily and Sherrie and Morgan! I am really excited!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I LOVE X-MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

that was when I ruled the world

I need sleep

I feel all sad and everything I have done wrong comes crashing down. when I am not tired I dont' feel this way.. so time to finish my bok and go to bed! yay!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference

Elane S. Dalton -

The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.

Return to virtue

Call for a return to virtue.

Elder Robert D. Hales -

Silence is not submission or weakness but christan courage.

Boldness should not be confused with overbearingness.

Be slow to take offense and quick to forgive.

" I am doing a great work and cannot come down, why then should the work cease whilst I descend?"

Love your Accusers

President Henry B. Eyring -

Be a peacemaker If we are unified we will move with power to do the things God wants us to do.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf -

Lift where you Stand

Her faith overcame fear, she would not bewail tragedy, her hope overcame dispare.

hope is the beam of sunlight that pierces the darkness.

Walk in the light

Walk in the goodness of God

In times of distress we can hold to the hope that things will work together for our good.

Hope even when everything around you contradicts that hope.

One step at a time

Fear not little flock... God is waiting with open arms to recieve.

CHIOR - Do what is right

Do what is right let the consequence follow.

Be faithfull and fearless!

God will protect you then do what is right

Elder Dallin H. Oaks -

We are living in the perilous times that were prophesied by the prophet Peter.

Prepare to Participate

Sacrament meeting is not a time for conversation.

The song of the righteous is a prayer to the Lord

"This music is for worship not performance"

Marcos A Andukitus -

Become a powerful example

The Book of Mormon combined with the Spirit is the most powerful way of conversion.

I know there is a prophet of God on the earth

I know Jesus is the son of God and that is the only name where by we can gain salvation.

the Book of Mormon is a spiritual banquet

with God we can know ALL things!

The Book Of Mormon Is the Word Of God.

Elder Neil L. Anderson -

There are days when we feel inadequate and have trouble finding spiritual footing, we show how strong we are by how we handle it.

You don't know everything but you know enough

You know enough to do what is right

I do know God loves me, I do.

Faith is not only a feeling it is a decision!

Fear and Faith cannot exsit in our hearts at the same time

Heavenly Father makes all of his children different

"When Heavenly Father made me he made it so I could not hear and that makes me special. When Heavenly Father made you he gave you no legs and that makes you special. When Jesus comes i will hear and you will have your legs, Jesue makes everything better."


Oh How Joyful it will be when our savior we shall see!

Oh what songs we then will sing to our Savior, God, and King!

All array in spotless white we will dwell in truth and light. We will sing songs of praise

Every living thing there in shall in love and beauty dwell

Sister Silvia H. Allred -

Endure to the end

The gosple is the compelling force in my life

"when we save a girl, we save generations"

God loves ALL his children

Love, Peace, Happiness

Prepare yourself for missionary service

This is the Lords work and he wil help us do it!

Elder L. Tom Perry -

1. Food ~ Word of Wisdom
2. Clothing ~ Simple and Modest, when we wear modest clothes we invite the spirit. Choose the right
3. Shelter ~ do not live beyond your needs, do not run into debt, buy only a house you need, live within your means, stay out of debt, save for a rainy day
4. Fuel ~ spiritual fuel, completion of our journey requires spiritual fuel, live righteously, surrender your will to the Lord, Choose the Right.

simplify our lives

President Thomas S. Monson -

John 4: 10,14

Pray for the opening of limited area's where the missionarys cannot go right now.

Nothing is a constant as change

we go from where we were to where we are

This is our one and only chance at mortal life

Distinguish what is important and what is not

Find Joy in the Journey

If you pile up a bunch of Tomorrows you find you end up with a bunch of empty yesterdays.

Learn like we should, do what we should, and we who we should

" The circus keeps coming back
I know, but childhood doesn't"

Never let a problem to be solved get in the way of a person to be loved

Do humans beings ever realize life whel they live it every every minute?

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God

ME -

We are the ones with the Doorknob, we have to open the door for Christ

Elder M. Russell Ballard -

No one can stop the Work of God

The Works of God cannot be frustrated

It is not the work of God that will be stopped, but the work of Man

there is still much to be done before God can tell us it is done

This is NOT a time for the spiritually faint of heart

faith in every footstep

President Boyde K. Packer

In troubled times the Lord always prepares a safe way ahead

Elder Russell M. Nelson

We have a Divine Nature

Husband and Wife are required to love and take care of each other

Marriage is like an orchestra, you have to put an effort into it.

Minimize personal demands and maximize loving selflessness

Elder William D. Oswald


Good Teaching
1. Show love to those you teach and call them all by name
2. Teach from the scriptures
3. encourage the pondering of Gosple Truths

Elder Eduardo Gavarrel

We will blow the flame together

Elder Carlos A. Godoy

~me~ We do not need something powerful, we just need faith

This is a good seed

Elder Quentin L. Cook

We are not going to suffer any more that is for our good

The rain falls on the Just and Unjust

every cloud we see does not bring rain

keep the commandments

when times become hard to bear... I remember Christ knows my trials

" Hope you know I had a hard time"

President Thomas S. Monson

Remeber what was said ^

We are a global church

Be men and Woman of Honsety and integrity in everything we do

Remeber to who you pray

Listen for his voice

LEt us open our door.. and welcome our Savior

Friday, October 3, 2008

Tainted Victory

Arabella held her skirts above her slippered feet as she mounted the spiral staircase. Anticipation fluttered in her stomach when she thought of the escape that was going to take place that night. Veering off to her right Arabella entered into her bedroom. She sat on the floor next to her spacious closet and exchanged her slippers for riding boots.
Her life had been made up of frivolous wants and desires, up until a few weeks ago when she had met Darius.
The vagabond Darius arrived at the castle disheveled and exhausted. He did not fully become part of castle life until a few days later, when he emerged from the dense cloud of suspicion that had been cast over him in the few days he had been out of contact with the world.
Some had said he was a spy from King Ezra. Others had said he was one of the famous Riders, who sought only for the freedom of everyone around them. Whether he was a rider, a spy, or some mysterious third thing, he was a threat to King "Arabella's Dad."
When he emerged from his isolation the King threw a grand party for him. And that was the place Arabella first set eyes on this dashing young stranger who changed her life for the better.
He drew her aside and told her of a life where a person could work with their own two hands, where there was something special about finishing a project, a sense of accomplishment.
She fell in love with his idea’s and in turn with him.
But their love could not last. He was soon banished from the kingdom upon penalty of death. One of the Arabella’s admirers told her father, the king, that Darius had only come to the castle to take Arabella away from the king. Outraged, the king forbid Darius to set foot in his kingdom ever again, forcing Darius to leave that very evening.
Before he left however he was able to contact Arabella one last time, pleading with her to come away with him. No matter how much she wanted to, Arabella could not, for her father was watching her every move and would kill Darius if she left the castle that night. Darius left with a promise to return for her before the first snowfall.
Finally that day had come. The leaves had changed and fallen, and a page came bearing a letter for Arabella. A letter from Darius. She was to leave that night, claiming she was going for a nighttime ride. He would meet her 42 strides from the edge of the southern tip of the forest.
Arabella donned a plain, brown riding dress and exited her room. She walked excitedly to the kitchen, asking for a few rolls and some jerky. The items were handed to her wrapped in a pastry cloth.
Walking out to the stables Arabella tried her hardest to not run.
While mounting her steed a stern voice called out to her.
Her heart sank as she recognized her father’s voice. Turing in the saddle, she donned a fake smile.
“Hello, father. I was just going for a short ride.”
“ Ah, is that so? Why then did I find this letter on your desk?” The king answered with a smug look on his face, waving Darius’s letter in front of her.
Arabella gasped, searching for the letter on her person, as if the letter her father held in his hand was not the real letter.
“ It hurts me to do this dear, but I cannot have my kingdom ransacked by my own daughter and some crook she happened upon.” He frowned slightly, then took a torch from the soldier to his right and cast it at Arabella’s feet, setting the hay instantly on fire.
Arabella’s horse reared and sparks flew up when he landed on the burning hay. The sparks flew into Arabella’s eyes, causing her to scream and her horse to bolt forward.
Galloping away from the stables, Arabella struggled to remain on her horse. Instinct begged her to rub her eyes, to ease the burning. But she could not; her horse was galloping so quickly that if she let go, she would be swept away with the wind.
What seemed like hours later, the horse came to a labored stop and Arabella slid from it’s back. She landed on the ground and began sobbing. Surly she would have missed Darius, even if she had passed him, he could not have stopped her horse. Her eyes hurt so badly, and when she opened them they just hurt worse.
Arabella cried herself into a fitful sleep. Dreaming about Darius and the sun.
Arabella was startled into wakefulness by strong hands lifting her into a warm embrace.
“Darius?” She asked hopefully, knowing it was not, he was much slighter.
“ No, Lady, my name is Leander of the elves. I have come to give you solace with our people.”
Leander carried her for miles, never seeming to tire. Arabella could tell when they neared the elves city, because from the steady stream of cheerful voices she heard coming from somewhere in front of her. She felt happier just by listening to their voices.
Leander set her down, letting her lean on his arm as she walked through the city. Suddenly he stopped and she felt him turn toward her.
“Lady Apparition, this is where I leave you.” Leander said as he let go of her and walked away.
Arabella sighed, feeling more alone than she had since Darius first left. Once again, she sank to the ground, feeling the tears threaten to overwhelm her. Cradling her head in the crook of her arm, she slowly opened her eyes for the first time since the night before. The expected brightness did not come, no bright colors, no people walking to and fro, nothing but black.
The tears cascaded down her face as she realized her sight was gone forever. Never again would she see the sun, a leaf, or Darius’s beautiful face.
Crunch. Arabella’s head snapped up as she searched with her ears for the direction the noise had come. Crunch. It sounded closer this time. Arabella stood up shakily and backed away only to trip over a fallen branch, landing on the crunchy leaves.
The crunching increased in pace and Arabella screamed. But her scream was cut off as a hand covered her mouth.
“Shh…. Shh, my love, it is me!” Darius cooed as he gathered her into his arms and rocked her back and forth. Arabella laughed breathlessly running her hands over his flawless face, reassuring herself this was actually him. He kissed her lightly once, then pulled away. Arabella, whose hands were still on his face pulled him to her again and she kissed his cheeks, his nose, his mouth.
“Did you miss me?” Darius said laughing. But the joyful sound died as his eyes rested on hers.
“What is wrong?” Arabella asked when she grew silent.
He touched her eyes gently, wishing he could give her back her sight.
“What happened?” His pained voice cut through the silence.
Arabella sighed and told him of her father causing her to lose her sight.
“I wish I had gone with you that first night you asked me too.” She said quietly after a moment of quiet.
Darius did not speak for a few minutes then suddenly, in a much happier tone, he said “ If you were my wife, you would never have to leave my side.”
Arabella’s breath caught in her throat when she realized what he was suggesting.
“ Yes!” she replied breathlessly. “ Oh yes!”

Two days later Arabella stood in a gown made of silk holding Leander’s arm.
Leander urged her forward and she stepped in time with the music that began to play. She reached the steps, wishing she could see Darius’s glorious figure standing before her, and let go of Leander taking hold of Darius.
A man with a glossy voice of honey performed the wedding, and announced them man and wife. Darius embraced Arabella pulling away only slightly to kiss her.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look.” He whispered in her ear when he broke the kiss.
Arabella laughed quietly, “ It is enough to know you are mine forever.” She took his hand in hers and turned to the cheering crowd.
“ Does it not feel like a tainted victory to you? We have each other, but you have lost your sight.” Darius sounded as if he would give anything for her to be perfectly happy.
Suddenly the cheering stopped and soft footsteps echoed through out the hall.
“Lady Apparition, I am humbled by you.” The lady speaking broke off.
Darius whispered in Arabella’s ear, “ She is bowing to you.”
Arabella extended her hand, “ Lady, who are you, and why do you bow to me?”
There was a rustle as the lady stood and took Arabella’s hand, “ Lady Apparition, I have known many humans, and all have yearned for more than they have, but you my dear lady, you are content to be with the one you love, and for that, I bestow a gift on you.” The crowd gasped, but grew quiet again and the lady spoke again. “ My gift to you, is sight!”
Suddenly there was a silent chill ran through the base of Arabella’s neck and went up to her eyes. Suddenly a bright light intruded upon her closed eyelids. Arabella blinked instinctively, then opened her eyes slowly, a smile growing on her face as the bright yellows a whites entered her eyes. Wanting to thank the lady, she grasped her hand tighter, but no one was there, and the hand which had been in hers a moment before had gone. Full of questions, Arabella turned to Darius, but forgot her unspoken questions as she gazed upon his glowing face.
“Darius!” She exclaimed, taking in how the deep brown of his eyes seemed to reflect her every feeling of peace, joy and happiness. Seeing his face again, she knew her joy was as full as it could ever be.

~ Know that I had to keep this 6 pages or under, and at it's current length it is 5 1/2. That is why it seems rushed!
~Please Feel Free to comment on spelling, grammar, or things that you think should be changed! thank you!
~~ And just to let you know, I will be expanding this story, so it contains more detail and such. so Don't worry! :D

Friday, September 26, 2008

King Triton

I found my dad in a disney movie.

He acts like King Triton. sometimes. Only he does not get as mad.

I have never been able to place myself in any one disney movie... though I have tried.

i am most like Belle, I love to read and want adventure, but I still fit in. Sometimes I am Like Ariel, I want something I can't have but find a way to get it. Sometimes I am like Princess Aroura, I feel traped and want someone to come and wake me up and take me away. Sometimes I am more like Jasmine and have a rebelious streak and just want to run away. Sometimes I feel like cinderella, and... just want some one to come and find me and take me away. Sometimes I feel like snow white, I have no where to go but when I get where I need to go there is someone there to take care of me.
I don't really fit into anyone story. The only one I really fit into is mine. and the ocasional fictional book character or the charaters I make up with Soren. See they are all posesive of aspects of myself which I wish were stronger and so I have those aspects just a little subtler...does that make sense?


This is Bruno... He is watching you.... He is a leaf eater.

Hehe I love Bruno.

and guess what else!!!!!!!!!

It is Hot To Not!

Oh yes. Very Hot.... Drugs suck. and so does drinking .

Queen of the World

If I were ever to become rich, I would make a grant or scholorship or something to that effect that gave money to students who wanted to go to college, but came from middle class familys who did not have enough money to send them to college and feed their familys.
it would also only be available to those who were white. blacks, hispanic, and indian can get amazing scholarships just because they have a different color of skin.
my scholarship would not just be a few hundred dollars if would be a full ride to any college of their choice in any of the united states for as long as they were in college.
I wish I could have one.
But there are none that I know of.
If you hear of any TELL ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On man... That is an amazing book!
I finished it at 1 am last night.
I am so tired.
I am fighting to stay awake right now
If I can't.... I hope you will be able to infer that the random letters that pop up are from me resting my head on the keyboard.
Yes so I think that maybeoanpieawt ijjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigrjjgfoooer;aaaasldgkkkkkkkdfkjl;dsjkagkl;jrgorigjrophaggggg
Oh... sorry. hehe .
I would erase those but I really don't want to and I have no idea what to talk about so I am going to leave now!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


To try to become visible but to only be seen by those who disregard... What punishment is this?
I try to get his attention, but every time I do He comes up with some excuse to not to.
I try to let him know I love him but he will not respond. Only when it is the "right time" does he let me know of his love.
I know he loves me, how can he not, I am his daughter, but he does not show it.
That's how you know
Well I don't know. He may tell me but he never shows me. Never.
I wish He would. I want to have him in my life so badly. but he is not there... I even asked him to come to an XC meet and he did not come.... he did not even sound excited when I told him I beat Ashleigh.. the girl I have never beat before.
i don't know what to do.
Heavenly Father Help me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Kane and I went to the orchastra concert tonight. :D

The second to last song was decidedly about Aladdin.

He was killed in the beginning then came back to life and went seeking revenge.

Jasmine tried to stop him but he would not be stopped and went to kill his killer.

As he was about to kill the man, they broke out into dance.

but while they were dancing Aladdin whipped out his knife, and just as the song was ending, THREW IT AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GA!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) lovely.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


When you dance, you become something else.
What do I want to do?
Gail Carsen Levine said that when she was trying to be an artist she had a voice in her head that told her she could not do it, but when she wrote, it went away.
when I write, draw, paint, or play the piano I hear that voice.
but when I dance and sing there is nothing but the song and the dance.
I come alive when I dance. I feel myself slipping into a motion that I have not learned but know already.
when I sing I can express myself so completly in the tones and words that come from my mouth.
Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn. ~Sweetpea Tyler
Dancers are the messengers of the gods. ~Martha Graham
You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown
Dancers are instruments, like a piano the choreographer plays. ~George Balanchine
There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. ~Vicki Baum
Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels. ~Faith Whittlesey
Dance till the stars come down from the raftersDance, Dance, Dance till you drop.~W.H. Auden
It is of course possible to dance a prayer. ~Glade Byron Addams
It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. ~Shanna LaFleur
Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. ~Samuel Beckett
Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~Susan Polis Shutz
Next time you're mad, try dancing out your anger. ~Sweetpea Tyler
I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words. ~Ruth St. Denis
Talk about dance? Dance is not something to talk about. Dance is to dance. ~Peter Saint James
To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak. ~Hopi Indian Saying
Dance is a delicate balance between perfection and beauty. ~Author Unknown
Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected. ~Source Unknown
Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

Monday, September 15, 2008

dang it

Man I love dancing but not right after running!
That sucks!
My brother decided to be "cool" and wear his button up shirt tucked in and buttoned all the way up... gross. Kane and I tried to get him to change it but it did not work. and My other brother is wearing his hair nicely,... i like it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

M-O-R-E-M-E-N! Mormon Mormon sing it again!

I love dancing.. I love boys!

I love looking beautiful!

I love just dancing to the music and learning new things... I can't wait until we learn more waltz...
And Tango.... And Cha cha.... and Swing...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Really Really

That was really Kane... Only he does not really stalk me. It was just exciting to write about.
So I just accomplished something I have NEVER done before in my whole life!
I BEAT ASHLEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never passed her in a race, I have never run faster than her in a race AND... I PRed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Today is good, except for the fact that I am DEAD tired.
I love the song Check Yes or No. It is rather amazing!
There are some country songs that I just LOVE! like... hum....
When I think about Angels
Love, Me
Those are just a few. But I love them.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Um Kane is always here at my house... even right now.
he is kind of watching me type this. .. through binoculars...
In my neighbors back yard.... from their roof....
Oop... no he just fell off the roof into the apple tree.... and now he is getting up and pretending nothing happened.... going back to just watching me type this through the slots in the fence...... wierd.......

---LIARFACE!!! I meant to fall off the roof.

What ever Kane you know that you slipped on the cord that hooks up the cable.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Helping Hands

I have the best friends in the world.
Two are at the top of my list.
One I have known for... forever.
The other I just barely got to know.
Yesterday, Kane was so nice. He helped my brother get toast (did not know I was awake for that part did you!?) and was so nice about it.
He put a blanket on me while I was sleeping, and that has always been something I have adored on movies, and now it has happened to me! yay!
He and my mom were talking about the play.
she asked him if I had said anything. He said no.
They said some other things that I could not really make out.
But I have decided that I am not going to do this play. Trying out was good, but I don't want to put the time in to it. I don't know how to tell Makayla though....
I think my mom saw through my mask of complience (as Gaven would say) when I found out I was in the chior.
I was not happy at all, and so I cried for maybe an hour. during that hour, only about 15 minutes of it was becasue of the play. The rest was one of the hardest spiritual struggles I have had to face in a while.
Thank you Gaven. Yesterday at work Gaven helped me so much.
One part of my struggle was the realization that I have never been better than anyone at anything. I know this is not important, or it should not be, but it is to me. I made a HUGE list of things that I could not do as well as some one else.
but at work, Gaven was having some problems and i tole him to tell me and then I realized....
I have never met ANYONE who can listen as well as I do.
When I listen I can sympathize, but I don't dwell on it unless it was like a suicide problem or somthing, thankfully I have not encountered one of those.
But Gaven helped me realize that.
I am feeling so much better.
Thank you Kane for letting me have the book, though you really could have finished it, I could have waited until Monday. But so far it is really good. page 72.
oh and Kane.... Who are the people who want to ask me to homecoming?!??!!? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again thank you Gaven and Kane, I love you both dearly and am so glad I know you!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

3 things maybe more....

So I Made the play. I am in the chior.
that is really a bummer because I wanted Belle. But my mom had a good point. Kate has worked really hard, taking classes voice lessons, to get this part and this is her first lead. she deserves it.

Item number two. XC MEET TODAY!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! That is why I am up so FLIPPING EARLY!

Item three: I love chocolate treasures.

Item 4: I really want to go to homecoming but I don't have a date.... I guess I will just have to wait and see how it turns out. If I don't get one I can always do my piranha party with Renee!

Item five.... is there anything that I am better than someone else at?

Friday, September 5, 2008

ok... now just to wait... until 9!!!!!!!!!!!!AH!!!!!!!!!!!!

K I did the call backs.
It went rather well....
I did the whole dance.. I was a little bit off but that is ok.
The cast list will be posted at 9.... oh man.
I want to be Belle, But I doubt I will get it.
They split everyone up into groups, and it was pretty easy to tell who they were considering for Belle. Oh well, I can stil hope, becasue I don't know what group I was in.
Like I said on my gmail name. Hope, Wish and Pray for me!
Dustin, Makayla, Diana, Amanda (stinky toes), Dane, Jessica, Kaitlen D, Jill, and a bunch of other people were there too! yay!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ok... almost there.

oh man.

I did my audition.

i thought it went rather well.

They said they liked my outfit, and said so.

i guess they liked my singing becasue they stopped me and asked me if I would sing tale as old as time.

Then they said good and I did my scene with Dustin. that was really good.

So now i am going to go back around 8:30 and see if i made call backs....
Wish me luck! Cross your fingers for me!!

Still Scared but maybe less so.....

Man you know I am still scared.. or maybe just nervous but I think I am feeling better now.
I know my song in an excellent fashion, I even have actions to go with it.
Mine and Dustin's skit thing may need some more help. Or maybe we should just practice some more.
Hehe my mom made Dustin practice growling in the bathroom yesterday, so he could practice being the beast.
Again... my mom is an amazing person. She helped us so much yesterday!!!!!! she is coming today to watch. I hope we do well.
I have decided that as long as I do my best I will be happy.


I am going to try out for Beauty and the Beast today.
I am pretty nervous.... I need to get over that.
Yesterday I realized that just because there is a new drama teacher does not mean that the old drama students are not trying out. That intimidated me!
So Dustin and I were practicing our scene and... lets be nice, it was horrible.
So we came to my house and my mom helped us. I feel so much better!
We may actually have a chance to get the parts that we want!
And my song. I really like it. It is called Home, not the whole thing just a section in the middle. My mom helped me with it, and I have some actions I am putting in with the song. Then I practiced it with the cd for a while and now it is pretty much amazing.
Four years ago, when I tried out of the play, my mom tried to help me, but I did not want to listen.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I got over that! If I had not then I would not make it into this play.
Wish me luck!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

For Soren

As to Vin and Elend. Read the Mistborn books by Brandon Sorensen.... I think that is how you spell it.
I would like some bouncy songs that would be good for Cha Cha.
Kane you need to help with this! Seeing as this is for our dancing thing! silly boy.
I just realized it does not have to be Cha Cha.
Kane... never mind I will just ask you when I see you or on our blog.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Latin songs?!

Senorita by Schmoe
I need a song to dance too....
Help me!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Amazing couples

I love couples in books.
I love couples.
I love old couples who hold hands in the store.
I love newly weds who are just so cute.
I love middle age couples who still look lovingly at each other.
I love my favorite couples:
Jacob and Renesmee
Ian and Wanda
Vin and Elend
Darrow and Calywn
Apollus and Meagan
Max and Fang
Sabriel and Touchstone
Ginny and Harry
Garion and Ce'nedra
George and Alanna
Corin and Lenora
Christian and Merigold

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Money Money Money! Would be funny! In a rich man's world!

I wish I had a lot of money....
Did you know Elvis actually was having financial problems before he died?
I wish I could have mucho uber money..... then I could pay for all these things that I wanted and "needed". oh well... hehe I just did a no no.... no periods outside of the quotation marks!!!!!!"". hehe Id id it again! yay!
I enjoy breaking rules like that... not big rules like
"thou shall not kill". but little rules that dont' really matter except in english.. or math.. I like breaking all of the math rules... or we could jsut get rid of math... hum... "the idea has merrit" what movie is that from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1??????

Aladdin! Yay!
I love that movie... it is amazing!
EM!!!!!! WE should watch aladdin sometime soon... we should hang out sometime soon! man, I miss you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


so that boy I told you about, the one in my sewing class...
He asked me to go to the gas station with him today during lunch. I said no, and was pretty surprised he would say that. o0h well....
I have decided I won't date anyone who is not LDS.... that will deffinently cut down on my dating choices, but in the long run it will provide a shortcut. I won't have to worry about it if I really like someone and am seriously thinking of marrying them... which won't happen until at least college.
well enough of that. I want to talk to Brian, my cousin. oh well...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vegas... Again!?

I just got back from Vegas... once again.
this time it was for my uncle's funeral.
The reason we were there... was not all that great but it was still amazing!
Our entire family was there, all 8 of my aunts .... 7 of my aunts and uncles! that has never happened.... well yes it has, but they have never brought ALL of their kids.. which did happen.
it was so much fun. and I got to see my favorite cousin, who I NEVER get to see anymore.
and man oh MAN! I wish I were no related to my cousins... they are SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness!
gorgeous.... and I can't date ANY of them! dang it all.....
oh well.. I guess I will live.
oh oh oh oh! My cousin Aaron is going on his mission in 3 weeks! mexico! Woo... he is going to stand out...
he has bleach blonde hair (it is acutally natural), he is taller than 6 foot, and extreemly muscular. man....
well I am home and extreemly tired.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Schul.... I R Smrt!

ah man... school has started once again!
That makes me very happy.
though it was VERY weird to go to school and not be able to talk to Joan. Kane was not their either, he is on the east coast. I did not know what to do.... It was kinda sad.
But I really like my classes!
oh man!
There is this boy named.... Roul(?) in my sewing class.
and he is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute! here are some of the reasons why.
1. He is in the class because he likes to sew!
2. He has been ballroom dancing for 2 years.
3. He is a senior.
4. He likes to sing.
5. He is cute!
6. He does not swear (from what I can tell)!
Those are ALL very good pluses in my book.... very good.
now now Kane, you need to HURRY! home. FAST FAST FAST! ... I know you are coming home on sunday but I wish you were home like 3 DAYS AGO! man.... you suck. oh well.
hehe the bubbles are moving on this show

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2 Pounds of Steak!

So My mother was not very close to the brother that died, so she is not still crying. But She is totally out of it.
She is still in her PJ's and Just dried 2 pounds of steak. Not like jerky.. like she was goign to use it for stew and she just let it cook for maybe 5 hours.. without water.. hehe! So Now it is really dry. hehe
Makes me laugh!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I wish I could not mess up in life...
No... I if did not mess up then I would not learn....
It is hard this way... but we only remember hard things. When things are easy we odn't appriciate them. we don't remember them.
It is just so hard this way!
Oh well.. I won't rember this in a few weeks.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I HATE computers!
HATE HATE HATE HATE.... well mostly only when I am trying to do things on them like make AMAZING seminary video's that WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
or when I try to put programs onto my compy and it says I have to ALREADY have a version of it on my compy already.... LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME! "Who did you contact!" jk. Just a little Incredibles quote.
But I want this to work and It wont work.
and then there is the camera! GA!
I have to wait for like 5 seconds after I want to end the film so it does not cut of anything important! LAME!
Life would be simpler... if.. . you know what! I want to livein the world Joan is imagining. The Perfect World? I wish..... but I like spinach and like the crust of my bread... I never liked the skin on my apples though... but my mom would never take it off... :'(

Monday, August 11, 2008


1st Semester

Clothing 1 Madole

Personal Finance 1050 Rathke

Art 1530 watercolor Milne

Interior Design Henwood

AP English DL

Art 1600 Pottery Wilcox

Release Time

Adv Creative Writing Stuart

2nd Semester


foundations II Milne


Adv Livetime Activity Quarez

AP English DL

Political Science 1100

Internship Stuart

Adv Creative Writing Stuart

Swimming! Sleeping! Muffins!

I got up at 5:15 today! And then swam for an hour!
oph man.. I have not swam in a while... I love swimming. I want to go every morning... That would be nice.
but one bad thing about excersise.... makes you want to sleep. Man.. I really want to sleep, but I have to register for school today... I am excited.. but not. Casue I have to change my schedual around anyway...
I also made Muffins! Bran muffins! Now before you act like Kane ("They sound to healthy!"), they have 2 1/2 cups of sugar, and 1 cup of butter... which is alot. It called for shortning,... but butter is better. One problem is we did not have buttermilk, so we had to use soured milk.... it smells GROSS! and it made the muffins taste funny.... but still good.. well not tast funny just smell funny.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here I go!

Swimming? Running? Exercise? Staying fit?
What do I do to stay healthy?
I have to work at it. some people don't.
Most of my friends are naturally talented in staying fit and excelling in sports.
I am not. I have to work. I have always know I would have to work very hard to stay fit, and now the time has come to start trying.
I must start trying now, get into a habit, before it is to late.
Stupid Metabolism. I wish it would jsut stay amazing for my whole life!
I hate soap opera's!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

the Next Day

The girl was walking along the beach one day, when she came upon a man, dressed in a long black cloak. This man was among one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen, and he offered her something she had always wanted.
The girl started to jump at the offer, but caught herself just in time.
Her Father had taught her better than that. This thing she had wanted, was not in her best interest. She knew that. When she had asked her father for it, he had not given it to her.
Now as she was faced with the decision to finally acquire that wish, or to turn away from it. She could not decide what she wanted. Her father was not around to tell her no. But she was hesitant. why would her father tell her she could not have this thing, unless he had a good reason.
Suddenly, taken by a rebellious streak she reached out to take the gift fro this strange handsome man. Before her fingers could close around it, her older brother came bounding over the hill, shouting her name. The girl recolied her hand and sucked in a breath of shock at what she nearly done. Her brother rebuked the man, and suddenly the man's cloak was swept from his shoulders, and the girl could clearly see he had only meant her harm, not happiness like her father. She turned away from him and hid her face in her brothers chest as he rubber her back, comforting her.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Run run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!

once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl.
In most stories the beautiful girl is just that beautiful.
now this girl was very beautiful, but she was not just beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.
She was happy, always. and she seemed to glow, but no one could understand why, except for her, her father, and her older brother.

Home again!

We went camping! and just got back!
Now I really want to watch the little mermaid two... but I can't find anyone that has it...:'(
I love being clean.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

BTW, FYI, NTK (by the way, for your info, need to know)

Look at the bottom of my blog!

Breaking Dawn Spoilers!

disney Movies!

The Jungle book!

Robin Hood!


Beauty and the Beast!

The Little Mermaid!

The Sword in the Stone!

The Lion King!

I love disney movies!

They are the best!


Toy Story!

Monsters Inc.!

The Incredibles!


Most best movies are disney... with... many exceptions. Ok fine. Just alot of god movies are disney... cartoons! not others. mostly just the cartoons.

Well I am going camping tomorrow. Won't be back til Friday. Til then!

Be proud.

I actually schedualed my Senior pictures!
I was suposed to take them.... a month ago :D but forgot... ok did not want to call and change them so I schedualled them for aug 22 at 5:15. Be proud!

Home Sweet Home

I love being home.
I love running
I love sitting
I love reading
I love bare feet
I love knowing what I can and can't do
I love my family
I love Utah.
The only thing I will miss, is I was never cold in Vegas.
oh and Lizzy and Kimmy and Johnny.... I will miss them Mucho much!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

* stink your finger up your nose just for something to do!*

I am so bored out of my mind!
I do not like the way my aunt runs her household. She blames Lizzy for everything Kimmy does. and Lizzy gets in trouble.

I just took a shower because I was so bored.

And now we are going to go to church. Partly because we should and partly becasue we are SO FLIPPIN BORED!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

silly parents...

So my dad thinks that he can stop me from staying up all night reading breaking dawn.

He thinks that I can read on the plane to las vegas tomorrow, and then read while I am not helping my aunt.. but guess what?!?!!?!? I am STILL going to read.. ALL NIGHT!


And I really want to know waht happens!

Kane thinks Alice is going to die.... NOT!

I do not think so... I think if anyone is going to die it will be Charlie or Jacob.... or maybe Renee.... or any of the not main characters.

I can't wait. But you know Stephenie is not crule like J.K. Rowling, and she does not kill of peoples FAVORITE characters... :'( I love you Sirius!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the hill!!!!! *faint*

runnning is amazing.
One of the best feelings in the world is being so exhausted from running that you just want to fall over.
I love feeling like that.
then coming home and eating as much as I want of anything I want and not feeling guilty. That is nice too... :D
We ran the XC (cross country) course today! I love the course!
but on monday we are going to run the hill.... oh no! 7 miles of heat and up hill! no! oh well.
I did not stop at all today. :D this is good.
tomorrow we are doing a pizza booth for XC. :) I did not get to do it last year becasue I was not told about it until after it happened. and so I am glad I get to tomorrow!

Monday, July 28, 2008

What is this feeling!

Fervid as a flame!
Does it have a name!
Loving! Unadulterated Loving!
for your face, your voice, your clothing!
Lets just say! I love it all!
Every little trait how ever small makes my very flesh begin to crawl
with simple udder loving! There's a strange exhileration!
In such total admiration!

Life is good
Life is great
Life is just a bottle of Grapes

new blog?

Well, This is a first for me.
kind of.
OK not at all. This is a ... 3rd for me.
but I think this will be my favorite.
only to be used in dire need.
When the world is suffering and in need of a picker upper.
Or just a friend in need
Or just a ventilation system.
Or not.