Thursday, April 14, 2011

"You gonna Wash your hands?" "No Cause I'm Evil."

My recent love. The Flash. 

Wish I could be Iris.... but unfortunately I am not. 
I was recently asked how my love life was going and if I  was interested in anyone. My reply?
"Superboy, Flash, Robin... No one real though."
My mom seems to think that I can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. (personally fantasy is much more exciting....) Unfortunately I do the difference. I know very well. But I find it easier to cope with reality when I have fantasy to fall back on. 

The Flash... Oh how I love him.
I love this song as well. Though it does make me a little sad when I listen to it a bunch. (which does happen quite often)

I have an acquaintance who committed suicide. They were found by two members of their family. How horrible that would be. It is bad enough when death strikes on it's own, but when a person helps it along? I don't know what I would do if someone I knew really well did that... What would  you do?

Back to a happier subject... I bought myself a Flash shirt and wear it when I run. :) What a happy way to run!

Maybe I should spend more time in reality... I do have all summer to fantasize...

But no. that would be no fun at all!

Who would your favorite superhero (of the moment) be?

can you guess mine? (there is an alltime champ, and there is the hero of the moment. Kudos for those who get both!)

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