Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Let me Just get this out of the way...
X-men Is Amazing
There... Now on with life.

Just in case you didn't notice, There are a few new blogs on my blog list.
Most of these are a collaborative effort between Soren and I.
Dear Me,
Letters between Trea, Warren, Topher, and Ranna over their summer break, and possibly longer.
The Coffee Shop
Where Universes Collide
Words In Our Head
This is my blog, for my ideas about teaching and life

BTW, I just finished putting out bug and slug poison in my yard... hence the title

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wishing For My Own Moving Castle.. And Possibly A Wizard To Go With It

What a wonderful movie. What a wonderful book!
I had forgotten how much I love the book!
My good friend Soren brought something to my attention the other day.
she talked about comfort books.
got me to thinking about what mine were.

Howl's Moving Castle.
Where everything seems to be so real and different and hard and right and wonderful. Much like my life where sometimes I feel like Sophie. Sometimes like Howl, Michael, Lettie, Martha, The Scarecrow, Calcifer.... And everyone else.

Ella Enchanted.
Where she has everything worked out and it all seems to evolve on its own making her life turn upside down and right side up. Making her miserable and happy and in between until finally it starts to work out, but not in the way she had planned.

Percy Jackson Series.
Because Percy is not perfect, he has his faults and he has his friends and he pushes through, finding a way to work out his problems even when everything seems hopeless.

Where she is shoved into a world she knows nothing about and she works through it making the world work with her.

Everything is worked out for them.
It even will be pleasant.
Then everything goes wrong.
But they don't despair.
they stand strong and become examples  for the people around them.
And as they become strong, giving and giving to others, they gain the things they wanted all along.

The Goose Girl.
She has a life that she is not comfortable with but through the process of many many hard trials she finds the life, courage, and love she always dreamed of.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

thrice, three, san

Packing, Packing, Packing!
I love it when boxes are already packed and we only need to stack them in the garage!
"they're in the Gar-ra-ge!" hehe love the movie
Sherlock! What an amazing show! Only three episodes right now, watch it! Watch it! watch it!
there is not a new Young Justice yet. *sigh*
I love the wind, running, ice cream, sleeping, Percy Jackson, The Lost Hero (Son of Neptune this fall!), Harry Potter (which is going to end... again!), my family, my friends, my life, and ... pretty much everything!

I love Percy Jackson.

And I love Jason Grace.
Pretty much anything Percy I love. 
Have you read any of the 5 Percy Jackson and the Olympian books? Or the Hero's of Olympus (right now there is only one)?
If not.... What are you reading this for!? Go read them now!