11 years old and knows how to make some amazing peaches and cream... and has a very good taste for good movies (namely princess and the frog.)
there is a HUGE fire on the road going from where I live. my friend can't get in from salt lake and my dad can't get out from here... he will probably be late for work.
California on thursday. I am pretty excited, but I really want to go to the beach and I don't know if I will have time!!!!!
I have only been procastinating my paper all day long... I started to work on it earlier and then... yes I admit it... I got distracted by farm town. then the next time I tried.. Castle... then Stargate Atlantis... and this time... impending doom... jk. just a fire.
Anyway.. nothing profound today.
Nothing really to talk about either.
It would be cool to talk in verse all the time
"and the planets will a line ever so nicely!"
"aye, Verse"
-Hercules.. actually Hades and the Fates but you get it.