Friday, April 22, 2011


What would I do if everything I knew, suddenly changed?
Would I step up and finally do everything I know I should be doing? would I sit down and cry?
There is a feeling in the pit of my stomach, a knot of anxiety. This is not at all the comfortable feeling of peace I wish for, but then again it is nothing at all like the fear and hatred I feel toward myself when I do something I know I should not. It is just fear.
"Be still, and know that I am God."  - Psalms 48:10
God always has a plan for me. He will watch out for me. I will believe on him. I will trust him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's a Wonderful World

There are many things to be grateful for and I would like to name a few of them.
*hem hem*
1. Finishing Homework.
What a wonderful feeling to finish something that has taken so long! I love turning it in(even if I don't like doing it) and then being done!
2. Having the Power go Out.
Today the power went out in all of my county. Two of my brothers were bored out of their minds and as soon as the power came back on, up the stairs they went to the PS3. But my youngest brother was outside, like he is, and would rather be every moment of his life. We rely... I rely so much on technology. What would I do if I didn't have electricity? I would be able to do many things, but others... like making bread or creating a shelter, felling tree's (ok, I probably wouldn't have to do those things, but hey! you never know!) I think our society has forgotten what is is like to rely on the land for survival, and I do not think this is a good thing.
3. Friends
What a fantabulistic invention! Who knew we would need people to get us through Stats? or to come over on a whim just to talk or hang out? Oh right! That would be Heavenly Father! Which leads me to my next grateful comment....
4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I am so glad I know that I will be able to live with my family forever in the Celestial Kingdom with my Heavenly Father, and my brother Jesus. I am so grateful to know that, when I find him, I will be able to be sealed to my Husband for time and all eternity. I am grateful to know that death is not the end. I will see my loved ones again.
But most of all... I am so incredibly grateful that God always has a plan for me. He knows what is best for me, and will always give me what will help me grow.

p.s. what book is my second line from?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"You gonna Wash your hands?" "No Cause I'm Evil."

My recent love. The Flash. 

Wish I could be Iris.... but unfortunately I am not. 
I was recently asked how my love life was going and if I  was interested in anyone. My reply?
"Superboy, Flash, Robin... No one real though."
My mom seems to think that I can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. (personally fantasy is much more exciting....) Unfortunately I do the difference. I know very well. But I find it easier to cope with reality when I have fantasy to fall back on. 

The Flash... Oh how I love him.
I love this song as well. Though it does make me a little sad when I listen to it a bunch. (which does happen quite often)

I have an acquaintance who committed suicide. They were found by two members of their family. How horrible that would be. It is bad enough when death strikes on it's own, but when a person helps it along? I don't know what I would do if someone I knew really well did that... What would  you do?

Back to a happier subject... I bought myself a Flash shirt and wear it when I run. :) What a happy way to run!

Maybe I should spend more time in reality... I do have all summer to fantasize...

But no. that would be no fun at all!

Who would your favorite superhero (of the moment) be?

can you guess mine? (there is an alltime champ, and there is the hero of the moment. Kudos for those who get both!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weeks of Miracles

Well I guess I should elaborate on my dad's accident. Or rather incident, as there are no accidents.
He was on a motorcycle ride with his friends, they had been gone all day.
Outside of Delta, they were on a mountain road, curving up the mountain.
His friends were a curve ahead when the realized my dad was not with them.
They turned around to find my dad sprawled out on the ground.
He told them he had been turning left, following the curve of the road, when a huge gust of wind came from the left and lifted his bike up in the air, with him still on it.
He remembers seeing a mile marker before he hit the ground.
His right light hit the mile marker, fracturing both the bones in his lower leg. He broke 6 vertebra (nothing that will impare him though), and 3 ribs.
a week and a half in the hospital with two surgeries.
The thing about the surgeries is a miracle.
After the first surgery the doctor told us that he set the bone perfectly, but there was not enough skin on his leg to cover it. Without the skin the bone could not heal properly. So they were going to have to do at least 3 more surgeries.
But a miracle happened.
The second surgery was to inspect the wound without the swelling that was present during the first one, and to remove any more dead or dying skin on the wound. But as it turns out there was no more dead or dying skin on his leg, allowing the doctors to close the wounds (with blue thread and staples mind you).
So many small and large miracles have happened in my life in the last two weeks, I would be a fool to not see God's hand in all of them!
So, Thank you Heavenly Father. Thank you for saving my dad, for saving us money, for giving my family a chance to become closer together. Thank you for your eternal grace that allows me to repent and be forgiven of my sins.
I know that my Heavenly Father loves me, and that he is watching out for me and my family. I know that I can be with my family forever.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.