Saturday, September 6, 2008

3 things maybe more....

So I Made the play. I am in the chior.
that is really a bummer because I wanted Belle. But my mom had a good point. Kate has worked really hard, taking classes voice lessons, to get this part and this is her first lead. she deserves it.

Item number two. XC MEET TODAY!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! That is why I am up so FLIPPING EARLY!

Item three: I love chocolate treasures.

Item 4: I really want to go to homecoming but I don't have a date.... I guess I will just have to wait and see how it turns out. If I don't get one I can always do my piranha party with Renee!

Item five.... is there anything that I am better than someone else at?


Sam Mitchell said...

There are a few things i want to say to you....
1. you can rant to me in person, eaven. it seems like all i do is whine, and i never hear anything from you... it makes me feel bad

2. i'm grumpy at the seminary council rules right now, cause there are a couple of guys who are dying to go with you.

3. YOU ARE AMAZING! You're a great artist, a beautiful singer, and very good at organization and taking the lead. But the thing i've seen you shine brighter than others is the way you understand and love the Gospel. If it weren't for you, I honestly would not be as close to the Savior as i am today.
I hope your vision clears, so you can see yourself from the perspective of those around you. You'll be surprised by the beautiful, energetic girl who is full of life, and has people adoring and envying her. You are that girl, Eaven.
I love you, and I'm always here for you.

Anonymous said...

Um, dude, there are about ten million things you can do better than mwa. For one, you can actually TALK to your crush. For another, you can kick some major can at playing the piano. You can try out for a stage production, get a lead, and then let someone else get the lead. And you were also the start to my creative career.Is there anything else I'm missing......probably, but I am too tired to think right now.
-Soren Cantus