Friday, September 26, 2008

King Triton

I found my dad in a disney movie.

He acts like King Triton. sometimes. Only he does not get as mad.

I have never been able to place myself in any one disney movie... though I have tried.

i am most like Belle, I love to read and want adventure, but I still fit in. Sometimes I am Like Ariel, I want something I can't have but find a way to get it. Sometimes I am like Princess Aroura, I feel traped and want someone to come and wake me up and take me away. Sometimes I am more like Jasmine and have a rebelious streak and just want to run away. Sometimes I feel like cinderella, and... just want some one to come and find me and take me away. Sometimes I feel like snow white, I have no where to go but when I get where I need to go there is someone there to take care of me.
I don't really fit into anyone story. The only one I really fit into is mine. and the ocasional fictional book character or the charaters I make up with Soren. See they are all posesive of aspects of myself which I wish were stronger and so I have those aspects just a little subtler...does that make sense?


This is Bruno... He is watching you.... He is a leaf eater.

Hehe I love Bruno.

and guess what else!!!!!!!!!

It is Hot To Not!

Oh yes. Very Hot.... Drugs suck. and so does drinking .

Queen of the World

If I were ever to become rich, I would make a grant or scholorship or something to that effect that gave money to students who wanted to go to college, but came from middle class familys who did not have enough money to send them to college and feed their familys.
it would also only be available to those who were white. blacks, hispanic, and indian can get amazing scholarships just because they have a different color of skin.
my scholarship would not just be a few hundred dollars if would be a full ride to any college of their choice in any of the united states for as long as they were in college.
I wish I could have one.
But there are none that I know of.
If you hear of any TELL ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On man... That is an amazing book!
I finished it at 1 am last night.
I am so tired.
I am fighting to stay awake right now
If I can't.... I hope you will be able to infer that the random letters that pop up are from me resting my head on the keyboard.
Yes so I think that maybeoanpieawt ijjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigrjjgfoooer;aaaasldgkkkkkkkdfkjl;dsjkagkl;jrgorigjrophaggggg
Oh... sorry. hehe .
I would erase those but I really don't want to and I have no idea what to talk about so I am going to leave now!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


To try to become visible but to only be seen by those who disregard... What punishment is this?
I try to get his attention, but every time I do He comes up with some excuse to not to.
I try to let him know I love him but he will not respond. Only when it is the "right time" does he let me know of his love.
I know he loves me, how can he not, I am his daughter, but he does not show it.
That's how you know
Well I don't know. He may tell me but he never shows me. Never.
I wish He would. I want to have him in my life so badly. but he is not there... I even asked him to come to an XC meet and he did not come.... he did not even sound excited when I told him I beat Ashleigh.. the girl I have never beat before.
i don't know what to do.
Heavenly Father Help me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Kane and I went to the orchastra concert tonight. :D

The second to last song was decidedly about Aladdin.

He was killed in the beginning then came back to life and went seeking revenge.

Jasmine tried to stop him but he would not be stopped and went to kill his killer.

As he was about to kill the man, they broke out into dance.

but while they were dancing Aladdin whipped out his knife, and just as the song was ending, THREW IT AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GA!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) lovely.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


When you dance, you become something else.
What do I want to do?
Gail Carsen Levine said that when she was trying to be an artist she had a voice in her head that told her she could not do it, but when she wrote, it went away.
when I write, draw, paint, or play the piano I hear that voice.
but when I dance and sing there is nothing but the song and the dance.
I come alive when I dance. I feel myself slipping into a motion that I have not learned but know already.
when I sing I can express myself so completly in the tones and words that come from my mouth.
Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn. ~Sweetpea Tyler
Dancers are the messengers of the gods. ~Martha Graham
You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown
Dancers are instruments, like a piano the choreographer plays. ~George Balanchine
There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. ~Vicki Baum
Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels. ~Faith Whittlesey
Dance till the stars come down from the raftersDance, Dance, Dance till you drop.~W.H. Auden
It is of course possible to dance a prayer. ~Glade Byron Addams
It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer. ~Shanna LaFleur
Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. ~Samuel Beckett
Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~Susan Polis Shutz
Next time you're mad, try dancing out your anger. ~Sweetpea Tyler
I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words. ~Ruth St. Denis
Talk about dance? Dance is not something to talk about. Dance is to dance. ~Peter Saint James
To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak. ~Hopi Indian Saying
Dance is a delicate balance between perfection and beauty. ~Author Unknown
Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected. ~Source Unknown
Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

Monday, September 15, 2008

dang it

Man I love dancing but not right after running!
That sucks!
My brother decided to be "cool" and wear his button up shirt tucked in and buttoned all the way up... gross. Kane and I tried to get him to change it but it did not work. and My other brother is wearing his hair nicely,... i like it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

M-O-R-E-M-E-N! Mormon Mormon sing it again!

I love dancing.. I love boys!

I love looking beautiful!

I love just dancing to the music and learning new things... I can't wait until we learn more waltz...
And Tango.... And Cha cha.... and Swing...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Really Really

That was really Kane... Only he does not really stalk me. It was just exciting to write about.
So I just accomplished something I have NEVER done before in my whole life!
I BEAT ASHLEIGH!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never passed her in a race, I have never run faster than her in a race AND... I PRed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Today is good, except for the fact that I am DEAD tired.
I love the song Check Yes or No. It is rather amazing!
There are some country songs that I just LOVE! like... hum....
When I think about Angels
Love, Me
Those are just a few. But I love them.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Um Kane is always here at my house... even right now.
he is kind of watching me type this. .. through binoculars...
In my neighbors back yard.... from their roof....
Oop... no he just fell off the roof into the apple tree.... and now he is getting up and pretending nothing happened.... going back to just watching me type this through the slots in the fence...... wierd.......

---LIARFACE!!! I meant to fall off the roof.

What ever Kane you know that you slipped on the cord that hooks up the cable.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Helping Hands

I have the best friends in the world.
Two are at the top of my list.
One I have known for... forever.
The other I just barely got to know.
Yesterday, Kane was so nice. He helped my brother get toast (did not know I was awake for that part did you!?) and was so nice about it.
He put a blanket on me while I was sleeping, and that has always been something I have adored on movies, and now it has happened to me! yay!
He and my mom were talking about the play.
she asked him if I had said anything. He said no.
They said some other things that I could not really make out.
But I have decided that I am not going to do this play. Trying out was good, but I don't want to put the time in to it. I don't know how to tell Makayla though....
I think my mom saw through my mask of complience (as Gaven would say) when I found out I was in the chior.
I was not happy at all, and so I cried for maybe an hour. during that hour, only about 15 minutes of it was becasue of the play. The rest was one of the hardest spiritual struggles I have had to face in a while.
Thank you Gaven. Yesterday at work Gaven helped me so much.
One part of my struggle was the realization that I have never been better than anyone at anything. I know this is not important, or it should not be, but it is to me. I made a HUGE list of things that I could not do as well as some one else.
but at work, Gaven was having some problems and i tole him to tell me and then I realized....
I have never met ANYONE who can listen as well as I do.
When I listen I can sympathize, but I don't dwell on it unless it was like a suicide problem or somthing, thankfully I have not encountered one of those.
But Gaven helped me realize that.
I am feeling so much better.
Thank you Kane for letting me have the book, though you really could have finished it, I could have waited until Monday. But so far it is really good. page 72.
oh and Kane.... Who are the people who want to ask me to homecoming?!??!!? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again thank you Gaven and Kane, I love you both dearly and am so glad I know you!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

3 things maybe more....

So I Made the play. I am in the chior.
that is really a bummer because I wanted Belle. But my mom had a good point. Kate has worked really hard, taking classes voice lessons, to get this part and this is her first lead. she deserves it.

Item number two. XC MEET TODAY!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! That is why I am up so FLIPPING EARLY!

Item three: I love chocolate treasures.

Item 4: I really want to go to homecoming but I don't have a date.... I guess I will just have to wait and see how it turns out. If I don't get one I can always do my piranha party with Renee!

Item five.... is there anything that I am better than someone else at?

Friday, September 5, 2008

ok... now just to wait... until 9!!!!!!!!!!!!AH!!!!!!!!!!!!

K I did the call backs.
It went rather well....
I did the whole dance.. I was a little bit off but that is ok.
The cast list will be posted at 9.... oh man.
I want to be Belle, But I doubt I will get it.
They split everyone up into groups, and it was pretty easy to tell who they were considering for Belle. Oh well, I can stil hope, becasue I don't know what group I was in.
Like I said on my gmail name. Hope, Wish and Pray for me!
Dustin, Makayla, Diana, Amanda (stinky toes), Dane, Jessica, Kaitlen D, Jill, and a bunch of other people were there too! yay!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

ok... almost there.

oh man.

I did my audition.

i thought it went rather well.

They said they liked my outfit, and said so.

i guess they liked my singing becasue they stopped me and asked me if I would sing tale as old as time.

Then they said good and I did my scene with Dustin. that was really good.

So now i am going to go back around 8:30 and see if i made call backs....
Wish me luck! Cross your fingers for me!!

Still Scared but maybe less so.....

Man you know I am still scared.. or maybe just nervous but I think I am feeling better now.
I know my song in an excellent fashion, I even have actions to go with it.
Mine and Dustin's skit thing may need some more help. Or maybe we should just practice some more.
Hehe my mom made Dustin practice growling in the bathroom yesterday, so he could practice being the beast.
Again... my mom is an amazing person. She helped us so much yesterday!!!!!! she is coming today to watch. I hope we do well.
I have decided that as long as I do my best I will be happy.


I am going to try out for Beauty and the Beast today.
I am pretty nervous.... I need to get over that.
Yesterday I realized that just because there is a new drama teacher does not mean that the old drama students are not trying out. That intimidated me!
So Dustin and I were practicing our scene and... lets be nice, it was horrible.
So we came to my house and my mom helped us. I feel so much better!
We may actually have a chance to get the parts that we want!
And my song. I really like it. It is called Home, not the whole thing just a section in the middle. My mom helped me with it, and I have some actions I am putting in with the song. Then I practiced it with the cd for a while and now it is pretty much amazing.
Four years ago, when I tried out of the play, my mom tried to help me, but I did not want to listen.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I got over that! If I had not then I would not make it into this play.
Wish me luck!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

For Soren

As to Vin and Elend. Read the Mistborn books by Brandon Sorensen.... I think that is how you spell it.
I would like some bouncy songs that would be good for Cha Cha.
Kane you need to help with this! Seeing as this is for our dancing thing! silly boy.
I just realized it does not have to be Cha Cha.
Kane... never mind I will just ask you when I see you or on our blog.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Latin songs?!

Senorita by Schmoe
I need a song to dance too....
Help me!