Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Life is a Gift

Trying to start studying is the hardest part of actually studying.
I have to put everything aside, and work on just the thing I need to, even though BOOK I really would rather PHONE!do other things like FACEBOOK take a nap or even BLOG do the dishes.
There are so many things I would rather be doing other than homework, but when I actually buckle down and do it I feel so much better about myself. Maybe I should just take baby steps, and start with typing my notes and then maybe I will get somewhere after that!
Well since I am already procrastinating.... I was thinking the other day. ("a dangerous past-time!" "I know!" - Beauty and the Beast)
Any man I meet, could become the one. That boy at dance class could be the one I spend eternity with ( I don't think so, but hey you never know!) Or maybe that one kid that I saw at work once. God only knows.
That is why I have decided, unless I think I could marry someone, I do not want to be in a more than friends relationship at all. Dates are fine, and mostly for fun and getting to know people better anyway, but to have a boyfriend is a rather large commitment and I do not want to break anyone's heart if I don't have to. (Though my mom does often tell me that boys can't help but fall in love with me.... :)
Sometimes it feels like life and love is all a big game of chance, and if I end up with the one I should will only happen if I get all 6's.
But I know it is not.
"My life is a gift,
My Life has a plan,
My life has a purpose
in Heaven it began.
My choice was to come
To this lovely home on earth
And seek for God's light
To Direct me from Birth.

I will follow God's plan for me
Holding fast to his words and his love.
I will work
and I will pray
I will always walk in his way
And I will be happy on earth
And in my home above."

LDS Children's Songbook pg 164

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