Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Lush, Green Mind

"The consequences of industrialization and growth."
In I am Number Four he talks about how his planet was once struggling like earth is now.
My mother keeps telling me I am at a turning point, I am trying to make it through as the blast doors are closing around me.
The world is at a turning point.

Christ will come and the earth will be born again.

I can be born again each time I try again, each Sunday when I take the sacrament.
I can work harder at my studies, work to become better in the aspects of my life where I am lacking.
Change is never easy, never.
Why can't it be easier?
Because we have set patterns that we like, that we stick to, and in order to break those patterns... we have to do something we are uncomfortable. Something I have never done before.
It is scary to change. It is scary to do something new
But it is also exciting.
What is it about doing something new, the first day of school, Christmas, starting a new job, going to a new place, that is so exhilarating?
Maybe it is the notion that I am doing something new, I am starting fresh, I am starting clean.
I can do better here than I have done before.
and I can.

1 comment:

Marker X said...

I needed to hear this. Thank you. ;D