Monday, March 14, 2011

Note to Self: Don't Drive Alone on an Unknown Road in the Dark After Watching A Scary Movie!

It is amazing the feeling that comes from suddenly realizing "hey, I know this song!"
Red Riding Hood, while a good movie, (other than the scenes that ARE NOT meant to be shown to public) was SCARY! Man, There is a reason I do not watch scary movies, and that is why!

It is time to take charge of my life. Seeing as God gave it to me so that I could make something out of it, not just pretend that I don't have to do anything.
First things first, I need to take at least 5 tests.  I need to plan for those and work them out. Study them and ace them.
Then I need to start making some more friends, though I am not sure how to go about doing that. I have never had to try to make friends before, it just sort of happened. 
Well, better late than never. 
Life is scary
There is not much to do about it.
Just live it and do the best I can.
All the While trying to do better
Every angle tries to pull me down.
One angle helps me back up.
Even when I cling to a hand, 
another grabs my wrist.
I shake it off, but not always...
I squirm away from darkness,
I reach up for the light.

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