Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yes, The Impossible Really Does Happen

Friday my dad was in a motorcycle accident.
We thought we would be able to take him home the next day.
As it turned out he would have to stay in the hospital for at least 2 weeks with multiple surgeries.
Then he went into a surgery on Monday and as it turned out he had plenty of skin to cover his bone! Which is the entire reason he would have had to stay in the hospital, cause he didn't have enough skin on his leg!
Heavenly Father really is looking out for us. He is so wonderful, giving us only as much as we can handle, and then sometimes even taking that away!
I would like to thank everyone one who prayed for my family and who has helped us get through this tough time. We are not out of it yet, but we can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

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